Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 1: Capetown, South Africa

Well, I made it!! Whew! What a long, long day. Yesterday, we traveled for more than 28 hours to Amsterdam and finally Capetown. Let's just say that the last flight served 5 meals and snacks. Yes, it was that long. Good news, we are here!

Our apartment is fantastic. Its just outside of the city in Lagoon Beach secluded in a small town right by the ocean. The Atlantic is a hop, skip, and a jump away from our balcony! Gorgeous! I have three roommies: 1 from Auburn and 2 from Alabama. We walked into our apartment to a goody bag and pizza.

What a deal! There is a spa, pool, and several ethnic restaurants on the property as well. This place will definitely work!

Today, we dragged our jet-lagged bodies out of bed to have a yogurt and oats breakfast before having our first orientation meeting. Random fact: Traffic lights are called robots in South Africa. Then, we took a bus tour with our adventure guide Ish (He's a scream!) through all of Capetown. It was a bit foggy for most of the ride, but the clouds broke just as we arrived at the top of Signal Hill. Unbelievable view! I could see the top of the World Cup stadium as well as the rest of the colorful city. God did alot of work sculpting this place!

Random locations:
1. Capetown Harbour- It reminds me of the Navy Pier in Chicago. It has a huge ferris wheel modeled after the London Eye, shopping, concert stadium, etc. We will definitely need to come back here!

2. Smartie Street- Yes, it is named after the candy. It looks like Smarties exploded and colored all the buildings on the street. It makes for a goofy picture!


  1. YAHOO! I'm so glad that you are getting all settled in. Keep us updated--I can't wait to read about all of your amazing adventures!

  2. yayyy!! you made it! I am so glad that you will be blogging throughout your whole time there!
    Love you girl and be safe!

  3. I am so thrilled that you've transformed this blog into your personal writing space. What an amazing adventure you are embarking on!

