Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 10: Hey now! I'm in Cape Town. Get your game on. Go lead!

Nothing wakes me up in the morning like a Cape Town rendition of “Allstar” by Smash Mouth. To help everyone get going, a group of us created a song based on our South African experiences to the tune of this popular song. The laughter and clapping made our early morning practice all worth it.

As most of you know, I am a die-hard Georgia football fan. So, naturally, when I heard Vince and Barbara Dooley decided to join our trip, I had a minor heart attack. Half way across the world, the famous football couple gave an inspiring speech to various SEC and ACC students spanning the south. Even, the Auburn and Tennessee fans loved it! Both individuals offered enlightening information about how to appropriately lead others and present one’s self in the best light. Of course, the humor and football stories enthralled me as I took notes on the importance of integrity and having respect for one’s constituents. I am blessed to learn from such knowledgeable people.

Of course, I have felt stressed for the entirety of the trip, because I have to make decisions like watch a beautiful sunrise or eat ethnic foods. To relieve the pressure, I attended a yoga class by the beach. Tough life, right? It could not have felt better. I should have taped our class and sold it, because it looked like the workout videos! The waves crashed behind us with a sunset background. I had a hard time relaxing with this atmosphere… I guess I'll need to work on it :)

I bumped the mood up a notch by going to Mama Africa, an authentic South African restaurant in downtown Cape Town. The live bongo drumming band along with the intricately decorated building was electric. I found myself dancing in my seat! As the famous phrase states, “When in France, do as the French do.” Well, when in Africa, do as the Africans do! Tonight that included crocodile kabobs. Not to quote another popular saying, but, “It tastes just like chicken.” I’ve had alligator at the Florida games, and it had a similar flavor. I’m no Gordon Ramsey, but I would describe it as chewy chicken. Take a look and see for yourself!

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