Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 7: Living like the locals

Happy graduation day, John Vaughan! Happy wedding day, Natalie Carter!

What a relaxing and culturally informative day! Even on our day off, we decided to wake up relatively early to experience the local flavor at the Old Biscuit Mill Market. Several local residents said that the Saturday morning market was a must see if we planned on learning about the Cape Town people and food. They could not have been more right! Anyone who is anyone showed up to discuss politics over bargain shopping, fresh produce, and signature drinks. We walked around the market warehouse with our jaws to the floor in amazement at all of the homemade food choices. Everything from beautiful flowers to raw chocolate surrounded long tables of people catching up on the town gossip. To try to blend in, I decided to join in on the fun. I ate a thick sirloin sandwich on just-baked ciabatta bread with a tasty mustard sauce. Yummmmmmmy! After alittle shopping, I ended our first market experience with one of my favorite desserts of all time: a nutella crepe! I have a feeling this place will turn into a weekly routine.

Not satisfied with just one market, we road into downtown Cape Town to the Green Market. It consisted of a large square of tent after tent of authentic African souvenirs. Yes, we did tap into our tourist side, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Masks, bowls, jewelry, drums, rugby jerseys, and paintings covered the tents. We even ran into a Philadelphia soccer team that allowed us to show off our Cape Town knowledge to these newcomers. We are fitting in quite nicely if I do say so myself!

The day ended with a beautiful walk on the beach as the sunset. Its unbelievable that people get to see this view everyday. I am blessed that I get to share this opportunity with them for such a long time.

Side note.. Some of you know that I am a dessert connoisseur, but my specialty is cheesecake and milkshakes. I had the BEST chocolate gelato milkshake yesterday!

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