Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 2: Salsaing in South Africa

Last night was a ball! Some friends I met on the plane coupled with my roommates and I decided to have an informal "Welcome to Africa" dinner. So, where do we go? A Cuban restaurant of course! Ish took us to Buena Vista a fun house-converted restaurant with a candle-lit dinner. Very romantic for our girls night out! I had such a great meal! Chicken baked in a wine cream sauce on Cuban rice. YUM! My friends' nachos were pretty great too if I do say so myself.
After dinner, we noticed that several more groups of Global Leaders joined the party. That Ish is a smart man to suggest all of us to go to the same restaurant! One of the groups came up to us saying that we should check out the salsa dancing downstairs. My ears immediately perked up! The dancers were incredible! The three couples were surrounded by a hoard of on-lookers as they three-stepped all over the dance floor. One of the couples took a break, so I knew it was my chance! I naturally ran over to the male dancer and asked him to dance! We tore up the stage! Not really...I am not that knowledgeable, but we had a great time anyways! Olay!
Today has been a fairly relaxed day so far. We had a meeting bright and early this morning, but today was meant for us to get re-energized to hit the ground running tomorrow. We decided to take a leisurely walk to the grocery store down the beach. (Wouldn't it be much more fun to go to Kroger if we had to walk by the beach to get there?) The leisurely walked turned into a mile or more hike but still beautiful. Unfortunately, two or my roommates and I did the ultimate no-no while shopping: going to the grocery store starving. Yes, we bought too much of random things and forgot we had to lug it back to the apartment. Still, it was an interesting experience. I was very surprised at how many American labels I recognized throughout the store. I will say that our food seems fresher, but they can't get Vidalia onions in South Africa! Lesson learned.
Tonight, we are having an official "Welcome to Capetown" dinner with the entire program. Plan of attack: Eat then ask what it is. Get excited for tomorrow's update!

Here is a picture of my roommies: (Far left: Sophie (Auburn), Betsy (Bama), Me; Front: Amelia (Bama)

1 comment:

  1. HI Carrie.....Your dad connected me to your blog!
    What an exciting adventure you are on. I can't wait to read more. All this talk about food has made me hungry tho, so I need to close to make Mr.Jeff's dinner! Lots of Love,
    Ms. Sue
