Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 4: Just Another Day in Paradise

This morning, we woke up bright and early to make breakfast before going to our lesson for the day. Our class was fascinating! After taking the Strengths Finder test before coming on the trip, we used this time to discuss our top strengths as a whole group. The test pinpoints your strengths through 172 questions and thirty five categories. Here are my top five fortes and a brief description:

1. Belief- Spiritual, Family-oriented, Dependable, High morals
2. Positivity- “Glass is always half full,” Smiles constantly, Lightens a dull mood
3. Developer- Desires to see others succeeds and challenges them to reach their full potential
4. Includer- Includes everyone in all situations, Nonjudgmental, Avoids stereotyping
5. Learner- Values education, Wants to learn something new every day

Do you think they describe me? I think these will play out well in my professional life one of these days. I thought it was a bit eerie how it mirrored characteristics others have used to describe me.

Then, what is a leadership program without a good scavenger hunt? Yes, we did our best to embody the Ugly American stereotype by running around Lagoon Beach trying to be the first group to finish the hunt. I mean, when lunch with Vince and Barbara Dooley is the prize, you have no choice but to go nuts! Results are TBD.

Finally, we ended the day on a sunset cruise in the Atlantic Ocean. Thank goodness pictures say a 1,000 words…

1 comment:

  1. This picture is amazing. I've been keeping up with your posts and I am so envious of you. As far as the test that is eerie how well it does describe you.
