Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 21: Collegetown, S.A.

While we have all thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the locals, we found ourselves itching to get to know kids our own age. So, we planned a weekend trip to the University of Stellenbosch in the college town outside of the Cape Town limits. As usual, Ish and Corbis drove most of us over an hour to the center of the city to begin our adventure. Given a recommendation from a local, we went to The Apprentice for a delicious brunch. This restaurant allows the Institute for Culinary Arts’ students to practice their skills in a commercial atmosphere. If I could grade them, they would graduate with just one bite of my French toast and mini breakfast!

After shopping and wondering around this colonial/Charleston style city, Corbis picked us up and drove us to the Waterford, a vineyard a few minutes from the Stellenbosch’s center. Since we already experienced alittle wine tasting earlier in the trip, we added chocolate twist! The sommeliers coupled their house wines with dark and milk chocolate made on the plantation. Yummmmmmmy! Plus, the scenery looked like it belonged in an Italian countryside or in a romantic movie. Don’t worry! We took full advantage of practicing our model faces using our friend’s fancy cameras throughout the vineyard.

Since we had driven such a long way to explore the university, we finally decided to do just that. Not having a clue as to where to go, we wondered, asked questions, and tried to interpret the Afrikaans signs to lead us to the heart of campus. Eventually, we ended up in their student center. Loads of students crammed the first floor of the building as they watched the Cheetahs verses Sharks rugby game. Even though we thought we blended in, the stares and delayed cheering labeled us as outsiders. I embraced it and immediately sat down at a table with a guy sitting by himself. I may have scared him half to death, but we had a great conversation. Zach joined us as we shared cultural similarities and differences. Zach and I could not believe that the racial and social tensions still obviously exist. I was so happy to finally spend time learning from a South African college student!

Random Fact: Salt and pepper are the same white color! It’s a fun joke to play on each other.

Roommate Picture in the vineyard! From left: Sophie (Auburn), Amelia (Alabama), me, Betsy (Alabama)

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