Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 39: Application is everything.

Most would assume that jumping out of a plane and swimming with sharks gave me stories to take home. Of course, they did! However, I did create two documents that on the trip that will direct my future in ways that those memories can not. On a warm day on the beach, I wrote a vision statement for my life as an educator after designing a bucket list as the sun set over the Garden Route. Enjoy.

Vision Statement

I want to live a life that encompasses my passions, core values, and strengths in a way that allows me to lead a fulfilling life while still affecting the world around me. My desire to ensure others reach their full potential will play a role in my professional life through a “glass half-full” mentality, expecting more than others think is practical. For my students, I will serve as an educator, counselor, and their biggest advocate for success, caring more than others think is wise. I hope to do for at least one that I wish I could do for everyone. Finally, I want to incorporate my servant heard in my students’ education teaching them to serve others via personal connections with those they serve.

Bucket List

* Be an elementary school teacher in an academically struggling school.
* Become “Teacher of the Year” for the kids I teach.
* Adopt a child from the United States.
* Start a not for profit foundation for abused kids that give them dance as an outlet.
* See all old and new 7 Wonders of the World.
* Continuously enroll in dance classes.
* Marry a man that loves God, children, my family, sports, traveling, and me!
* Have 3 children.
* Learn to speak and write Spanish fluently.
* Learn how to salsa dance.
* Live a financially comfortable life and donate the remaining funds.
* Publish my teaching book.
* Write a children’s book.
* Run the Disney Half Marathon.
* Visit every state in America.
* Visit every country in Europe.
* Meet at least one United States president.
* Work at a small bakery.
* Attend the Masters, NBA/NCAA Final Four, NCAA National Football Championship, MLB/College World Series, World Cup, Olympic Opening and Closing Games, Wimbledon, Superbowl.
* Walk the streets of Bethlehem.
* See the American Ballet Theatre’s production of The Nutcracker.
* Become a Delta Gamma advisor.
* Read the entire Bible.
* Step foot on all 7 continents.
* Learn how to swing dance.
* Invent a unique cheesecake recipe.
* Watch every Oscar winning Picture of the Year.
* Train a Guide Dog.
* Swim in all 5 major oceans and the 7 major seas.

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