Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 33: Living the High Life

I felt like a proper, young lady today as we took a girls trip to Mount Nelson Hotel’s Tea Time. This hotel has Table Mountain in the background and a long driveway lined with palm trees in the foreground. Originally built for English travelers vacationing in Cape Town, the hotel has a Titantic-like feel at 112 years old. Famous for its bright pink color, the hotel trademarked the paint after World War II to ensure its prestige. Also, I am sure you are thinking that the hotel pays tribute to South Africa’s beloved Nelson Mandela. In reality, the name originated far before his time. The hotel is dedicated to Lord Horatio Nelson, a famous English Naval officer and war hero. History lesson of the day!

Enough about the hotel, it was delicious! We had a private dinning room filled with the most amazing food and ladies showing off their new South African dresses. The hotel waitresses gave us the largest display of mini sandwiches, bite-sized tarts, and an assortment of different yummy cakes. Initially, I don’t think the hotel was prepared for how much fifty girls would eat judging from the shear panic on their faces as the first group made a Table Mountain of food on their plates. Personally, I have never tasted a better piece of cheesecake in my life. (And, I am famous for my Thin Mint, Andes Mint, Oreo cheesecake recipe!) Not to mention, the tea had its perks too. After our tea/biggest meal of the day, you could see belts loosen left and right. I had difficulty breathing for sure. I can’t believe that people used to do this everyday!

Following a few hours of rest, a small group of us went to Cubana, a Latino restaurant on the other side of town. Since most people stayed in last night, Corbis, Ish, and Lance all joined us! It was quite a funny party listening to them banter and pick at each other. In particular, we pocked fun of Ish for his nap earlier in the day. Since I have written about him so frequently, you can imagine that Ish’s phone rings off the hook all day long with people asking for rides around Cape Town. Yesterday, he fell asleep in his van for an hour or two. All of us went into panic mode and thinking the worst, because we couldn’t get in touch with him. The whole experience made his day without a doubt.

Random fact: Cereal is served with hot milk here.

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