Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 35: A final curtain call on Cape Town

Today was the day we all dreaded: our last visit to the Old Biscuit Mill. Thankfully, the clearest, warmest day in quite awhile allowed us to take full advantage of our last opportunity to fill our tummies. Most of us arrived early to start the morning off with a hearty breakfast. For the past four Saturdays, I have eyed the Dutch section of the market and decided I would try their Poffertjes. Essentially, the kind chef gave me ten, inch in diameter pancakes with every unhealthy topping that comes to mine. After a few minutes of shopping and wondering, I indulged in a mid-morning apple cake snack that just topped off the pancakes. We closed the market down after a last sirloin sandwich and rich conversations in the sunshine. Old Biscuit Mill, I love you.

Even though we have had over a month, most of us had to make a trip to the Green Market and Waterfront to get last minute gifts while spending our remaining Rand. Sure, I’ll use gifts as an excuse to leisurely enjoy the dynamic culture of the Waterfront one more time.

Sadly, we celebrated our last night all together with a fancy banquet in the Atlanta Suit of our neighboring hotel. One of the interns spent countless hours filming our experiences which he proudly showed in a final video for all of us to cry and laugh over. Lance, Corbus, Ish, and Ish’s wife even joined the party! I think I may have seen a few tears in their direction as well. We concluded the banquet with a few superlatives recognizing a few of our peers for their personal accomplishments throughout the trip or for “just because” reasons. Astonishingly, I received an award! I was completely shocked! Zach presented me with the “Miss Honeybee” award, as in Ms. Honeybee in the childhood classic Matilda. Essentially, the award is given to someone who completely embodies their chosen occupation. Apparently, the staff and my peers think my personality best suits me as an elementary school teacher. I was really honored at the compliments I received, and hopefully, I will live up to everyone’s expectations.

Our final night consisted of spending time with each other over chocolate pudding, dancing to Backstreet Boys, and admiring Cape Town’s night lights. Great conversations, great company, and a great end to an unbelievable trip.

Random fact: South Africans use the phrase “as well” as frequently as the word “the.” We have all started to use saying in our daily conversations… as well.

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