Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 36 and 37: Leaving on a jet plane

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!

Even completing the highest bungy jump in the world was easier than waking up for the last time in beautiful Cape Town. To begin our thank yous for the past six weeks, a large group of us went to Hillsong Church and celebrated their third birthday. The pastor came from the London Hillsong Church to discuss the importance of having good character using Daniel as an example. Another great message to take home from this city.

Procrastinating my suitcase packing for a few more hours, I made one last trip to the Waterfront before ending this adventure. We returned to Balducci’s, the first restaurant we attended at the beginning of our trip. This time, I had a delicious pasta primavera while I admired the scenery. This has to be the hands-down most spectacularly, beautiful country in the entire world. No questions asked.

Finally, I faced reality and began packing. Around five, the first group of us started our thirty six hour traveling journey. Thankfully, we left in just enough time to watch our last Cape Town sunset. I will certainly miss those views the most!

We arrived at the airport two hours prior to check-in so we held a few more deep discussions with the Global Lead interns. Someone began discussing education and probably ended up hearing too much from me. Once we finished solving the education world over milkshakes, I checked my underweight bags (big victory!) and wondered around the empty Cape Town airport. At midnight, we boarded our KLM plane on our way to Amsterdam. Luckily, Taylor/interim pillow sat next to me which allowed for a few hours of sleep on our twelve hour flight. Mrs. Doubtfire kept me entertained the rest of the time.

We had a six hour layover in Amsterdam so it’s safe to say I can draw a detailed map of the airport. Unfortunately, I felt the Euro exchange rate as I bought my ham and cheese toastie for lunch. For the remaining few hours, I took a nap and lost a game or two of Bananagrams. Finally, our ten hour flight took off and the great U.S. of A. became a reality. After what seemed like eternity, I walked off the plane feeling warm air for the first time in six weeks. Immediately, my frizzies reappeared. Sadly, I caused quite a commotion at customs when I claimed the proteia seeds I bought for my family. Security sent me to a room by myself and proceeded to examine my bags questioning me the entire time. In the end, America won’t have the opportunity to experience the South African national flower. Oh rats!

After an amazing, life-changing journey, I am home!... for now.

Picture: Scene from the elementary school one day

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