Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 22: Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.

First, I need to start this post by apologizing to my mother. When I spoke with her last night, she asked what adventurous plans I had for today to which I answered with, “Nothing exciting.” Yes, I told a small white lie. In reality, I long ago decided that today was the day I would jump out of a plane at 9,000 feet. After a bonkers week of adventure, what a perfect way to end the craziness than to skydive over Cape Town!

Sleepily, Ish and Corbis drove us into the suburbs early this morning to watch us face fate. When we arrived at the hangars, we saw two of the most magnificent rainbows imaginable. Good sign for the day! (By the way, South African rainbow count: 4). Inside the hanger, I pondered over three of the puniest planes I had ever seen making me slightly more nervous. Then, the heavens opened up to an hour long monsoon preventing an early take off. During our wait, I glanced at all the paraphernalia on the walls beginning at an Atlanta Skydive bumper sticker. However, I immediately felt at ease when I wondered over to the pictures of Prince Harry skydiving in the EXACT SAME plane and field that were going to host me in the coming hours. Its fate! We can bond over skydiving!

Finally, two rainstorms dissipated, and my instructor began strapping me into my harness with two other friends. As we walked toward the plane, I felt like I had a role in Pearl Harbor as Josh Hartnett and Ben Affleck walked toward their mission. Before I knew it, Laura, Anna Lynn, and I reached 3,000 feet overlooking all of Cape Town. When I asked my instructor if we were high enough, he laughed and showed me that we still had 6,000 feet to go. My stomach started churning. All of a sudden, the sliding door opened to reveal our true height. My brave friends took the first jump as I waited to go last. I scooted my tush to the edge, and my instructor pushed us out of the plane. Let me say that again. Then, I jumped out of the plane!!!!!! We free fell for two minutes before the parachute opened for the remaining six minutes of flight. I truly felt at ease and spent the time marveling at spectacular Cape Town. I think I can successfully say that I have experienced every angle of the city. The sky’s the limit in South Africa!

Right before take off! From left: Laura (Wake Forrest), Madeline (Alabama), me

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