Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 31: Pictures say 1000 words

Why not start the warmest day of the trip with yoga on the beach? Determined to cherish this odd winter day, I spent part of the afternoon by the pool reading. It was that warm! Maybe I won’t come home with pasty white skin! (I can dream...)

To add to our limitless list of stories, our apartment is falling apart. Our washing machine door jammed, and today, our oven door fell off as we tried to bake chicken in addition to our shower flooding. Adventure week continues!

Later this afternoon, we decided to take one last trip to Camps Bay and relish in the sunset. All I can say is… wow. Every night, it seems as if the sunset gets increasingly more beautiful. We walked along the beach for awhile watching the surfers crash and naked little children running everywhere. At one point, Maddie and I found ourselves in a dilemma when the tide trapped us in one area of the beach. Good news: I checked off another goal on my Cape Town bucket list. Bad news: the water could not have been colder.

Luckily, we dried off in time to go to Café Caprese to overlook the rest of the sunset. We looked like popcorn as a few people would take pictures of the view, sit down, realize the sunset looked more beautiful a few minutes later, and go take more pictures. I think I could rival National Geographic for the memories I have captured in South Africa. You can be the judge!

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