Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 27: Field Day Friday

Happy Birthday, Alix Moore!

Today was a phenomenal day! It served as a celebration for the relationships we have made during our time in Sir Lowry’s Pass. We began the day in with our families, a nice change of pace. I gave them a chocolate cake, and they gave me quality conversations and plenty of hugs. My South African dad requested the day off of work from the library to see me! He shared an incredible story about how he and his wife built their current home. Several years ago, they lived in a shack made of tin scraps like the majority of their township. Essentially, they did not have a roof making rainy days challenging. Finally, they saved enough money to build their cozy home. It’s perfect. Their yellow stucco house sits on the corner with a small yard for their dogs and a sturdy roof to keep anything and everything away. Within eighteen months, my host parents had their dream home.

The party started at 3:30! All the kids headed to the school property to take part in a massive field day extravaganza! Each team picked a mascot, chant, and painted their faces before beginning the game rotations. (I was a member of the Super Star team!) Taylor and I manned the ball toss station. Talk about practicing my classroom management strategies! Most importantly, the kids absolutely had a ball! (We had some fun too!) Our beautiful day ended with a two hundred plus sing-a-long of Hokey Pokey. I love elementary school!

Story of the Day: The soup moms are women in the community who voluntarily give their time and money to feed the kids in the area with cups of soup every day. They ring a bell, and you see hundreds of kids flock to these special women with their Tupperware dishes. I heard an even more remarkable story from a particular soup mom. Ms. Cheryl’s husband won the lottery a week before he passed away. Instead of using the money to create a better life for herself, she spent every penny on food and school uniforms for the Sir Lowry’s children. Something to ponder, friends…

Here are some pictures from this week!

Here is my school.

Little Logan.

My South African Mom Ms. Hennie

My South African Brother Nicholas

My South African Brother Clayten

Our mural is almost done!

My first Sir Lowry's friend Ashley.

Hope Chains

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