Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 40: Gratitude

Dear avid readers,

After thousands of words and numerous pictures, I couldn’t end this writing adventure without thanking those of you who read day after day and commented on my experiences. At first, I wanted to document my six weeks of excitement in order to recollect every little detail of my journey. By the end, I realized that my diary turned into a daily column in a travel magazine. I have been utterly humbled by the number of people who took the time in their busy days to keep up with what I was doing a half a world away. Honestly, it meant more than you know when I received comments about my adventures and heard from friends of friends who truly cared about my time in South Africa. If you didn’t catch drift, I had the experience of a lifetime. Thank you for bypassing my grammar errors and continuing to walk with me every step of the way. Until the next life-changing experience, that’s all folks!


Another spectacular rainbow.

Amazing creatures.

I'm not scared of anything now!

Picture perfect experience.

A simple cross to remind me who created this beautiful country.

The people who changed our lives while we changed theirs!

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