Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 29: Congrats, South Africa! You've won my heart again.

Today, several of us got the unique opportunity to return to Sir Lowry’s Pass to attend their church service. Ms. Hetta, one of the soup moms, invited a few of us to her small church/soup kitchen on the edge of the township. What a fabulous experience! The service had no structure but consisted of members giving their testimonies or reciting a favorite verse. Unlike American custom, they have a small service everyday in which they praise God for everything He has given them, even if to our standards it seems like next to nothing. Honestly, the Sir Lowry’s people continue to surprise me every moment I spend with them. They have more love to offer than the richest man in the world. Throughout the service, the members thanked us over and over for trying to make a difference in their humble community speaking in Afrikaans then translating their prayers into English. Even their songs held so much meaning. Pastor Peter played his guitar while Ms. Hetta shook her tambourine and belted each line. Sometimes I feel that our songs are so complex that we forget the meaning behind our words. Their songs only consist of a few lines, but by the time the song ended, I honestly believed what I was singing. At the end of the service, sweet Pastor Peter invited us to the front of the church while one of the ladies prayed for us. Most of us shed a few tears at the pure compassion and selflessness they shared with us. I can’t begin to count how many blessings this little community has give me in just a short period time.

Relishing in the joy from the township, Ish drove us to Kirstenbosch Gardens, a small town at the base of Table Mountain. It could not have been a more glorious day to explore the incredible gardens, enjoy my first ostrich burger, and develop closer friendships with my peers. I wish I could accurately express how beautiful the gardens really were. Imagine the best combination of the botanical gardens and Piedmont Park and multiply that experience by ten. In the midst of open fields with children chasing wild turkeys and family picnics, elaborate fragrant gardens framed the spaces. Not to mention, the majestic Table Mountain stands as a backdrop. Hopefully, the picture below gives you an idea of my afternoon.

Our day ended with a fancy dinner at Blue a seafood restaurant in the ritzy part of town at Camps Bay. I loved the ambiance and of course the food, but it really bothered me that everything in the restaurant was white and not blue. Maybe white is blue in Afrikaans?

Random Fact: Change is nearly impossible to find. I have found that grocery stores are the most reliable sources to find change. Restaurants rarely make change. Plus, public restrooms with toilet paper is an off commodity as well. Something has to negative about this place! That's all the dirt I could dig up!

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